广州邦太自动化科技有限公司是一家专业从事工业与民用领域中的过程、运动等控制技术的研发与系统集成,以及控制产品销售和技术服务的高新技术企业。公司拥有众多具有丰富理论和实践经验的资深系统开发人员和技术服务工程师,其中博士1名,硕士6名。邦太科技公司已经与华南理工大学、中科院广州能源研究所、广州机械研究院等科研单位建立了良好的战略合作关系。公司主营范围:DCS、PLC等控制系统开发及软硬件系统集成,电子、电气、仪器等控制产品销售及代理。产品和服务涉及空调、火电、石化、化工、轨道交通、风电、水处理、水利水电、煤炭、环保、建材、冶金、造纸、制药、机械制造等行业。 本公司开发多项新产品已成功投放市场。邦太科技具有雄厚的科研实力,以及超前的科技产业意识,很好地了解掌握自动化技术的发展趋势,始终站在自动化应用领域的前沿。广州邦太自动化科技有限公司秉承“诚信、服务、创新、快捷”的企业经营理念,一直努力成为广大客户值得信赖的朋友与合作伙伴。Guangzhou Bonauto Automation Technology Co., Ltd. is a professional high and new technology enterprise which Engaged in process and Motion control technology research and development in the filed of industrial and civil, as well as control product sales and technical services. The company has many senior system development personnel and technical service engineers with rich theory and practice experience, including one PhD, six masters. BONAUTO TECHNOLOG has established good strategic cooperative relations with South China University of technology, Guangzhou Energy Research Institution of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Guangzhou Machinery Research Institute. The company's main scope of business include DCS, PLC control system’s development and soft hardware system’s integration and the control products of electronic, electrical, equipment’s sales and agency. The products and services related to air conditioning, thermal power, petrochemical, chemical, rail traffic, wind power, water treatment, water conservancy and hydropower, coal, environmental protection, building materials, metallurgy, paper making, pharmacy, machinery manufacturing, etc. The company many new developing products has been successfully launched in the market. BONAUTO TECHNOLOY has the abundant technology research strength and advanced industry cognitive in science and technology, and well grasps the trend development of automation technology , always stand in the forefront of the automation application. Guangzhou Bonauto Automation Technology Co., Ltd. adhere to the “integrity, service, innovation, quick” business philosophy, always Striving to become the customers trusted friends and partners.