

   日期:2009-01-16     来源:济南兰光机电技术有限公司    作者:济南兰光    

摘要: 本文详细介绍了三项透气性参数(气体透过率、透过量以及透过系数)的定义、应用范围以及相互之间的差异和换算关系,同时对于目前国际、国内标准中定义不清晰的情况给予说明。

1.       透气性参数的标准定义
1.1 压差法
1.1.1 ASTM D1434-82
ASTM D1434-82中,用于描述材料透气性能的参数有以下三个:
1. Gas Transmission Rate (GTR): The quantity of a given gas passing through a unit of the parallel surfaces of a plastic film in unit time under the conditions of test. The SI unit of GTR is 1 mol / (m2·s).
译文:气体透过率(GTR):在试验环境下,在单位时间内、单位面积上透过塑料薄膜两平行平面的特定气体总量。GTR的SI单位为mol / (m2·s)
2. Permeance (P): The ratio of the gas transmission rate to the difference in partial pressure of the gas on the two sides of the film. The SI unit of permeance is 1 mol / (m2·s·Pa).
译文:(气体)透过量(P):气体透过率与薄膜两侧的测试气体分压差的比值。透过量的SI单位为mol / (m2·s·Pa)
3. Permeability (P): The product of the permeance and the thickness of a film. The SI unit of P is 1 mol / (m·s·Pa).
译文:(气体)透过系数(P):(气体)透过量与薄膜厚度的乘积。P 的SI单位为mol / (m·s·Pa)
1.1.2 ISO 2556:2001
ISO 2556:2001中,用于描述材料透气性能的参数只有一个:
Gas transmission rate: The volume of gas which, under steady conditions, crosses unit area of the sample in unit time under unit pressure difference and at constant temperature. The rate is usually expressed in cm3 / m2·d·atm.
译文:气体透过率:在一定的温度下,在单位时间内单位压力差下,稳定透过单位面积试样的气体体积。单位为:cm3 / m2·d·atm
1.1.3 GB/T 1038-2000
GB/T 1038-2000中,用于描述材料透气性能的参数有两个:
1. 气体透过量(Qg):在恒定温度和单位压力差下,在稳定透过时,单位时间内透过试样单位面积的气体的体积。以标准温度和压力下的体积值表示,单位为:cm3 / m2·d·Pa
2. 气体透过系数(pg):在恒定温度和单位压力差下,在稳定透过时,单位时间内透过试样单位厚度、单位面积的气体的体积。以标准温度和压力下的体积值表示,单位:cm3·cm / cm2·s·Pa
注:GB/T 1038-2000非等效采用ISO 2556:1974《塑料——常压下薄膜和薄片气体透过率测定——测压计法》。
1.1.4 总结
分析标准定义及结果单位可以看出,在GB/T 1038-2000、ASTM D1434-82、ISO 2556:2001这些压差法标准中对于气体透过系数的定义是一致的;而对气体透过量的表示却有些差异,GB/T 1038-2000“气体透过量(Qg)”= ASTM D1434“Permeance (P)”= ISO 2556“Gas transmission rate”,单位都可转化为cm3 / m2·24h·0.1MPa的形式。
1.2 等压法
1.2.1 ASTM D3985-05
ASTM D3985-05中,用于描述材料透气性能的参数有以下三个:
1. Oxygen Transmission Rate (O2GTR): The quantity of oxygen gas passing through a unit area of the parallel surfaces of a plastic film per unit time under the conditions of test. The SI unit of transmission rate is the mol / (m2·s).
译文:氧气透过率(O2GTR):在试验环境下,在单位时间内、单位面积上透过塑料薄膜两平行平面的氧气总量。氧气透过率的SI单位为mol / (m2·s)
2. Oxygen Permeance (PO2): The ratio of the O2GTR to the difference between the partial pressure of O2 on the two sides of the film. The SI unit of permeance is the mol / (m2·s·Pa).
译文:氧气透过量(PO2):氧气透过率与薄膜两侧的氧气分压差的比值。氧气透过量的SI单位为mol / (m2·s·Pa)
3. Oxygen Permeability Coefficient (P’O2): The product of the permeance and the thickness of film. The SI unit of oxygen permeability is the mol / (m·s·Pa).
译文:氧气透过系数(P’O2):氧气透过量与薄膜厚度的乘积。氧气透过系数的SI单位为mol / (m·s·Pa)
1.2.2 ISO 15105-2:2003
ISO 15105-2:2003中,用于描述材料透气性能的参数有以下两个:
1. Gas-transmission rate (GTR): Volume of gas passing through a plastic material, per unit area and unit time, under unit partial-pressure difference between the two sides of the material. O2GTR is the oxygen-transmission rate, expressed in moles per square metre second pascal [mol / (m2·s·Pa)]. O2GTR is generally expressed in cubic centimetres per square metre 24h [cm3 / (m2·24h)].
译文:气体透过率(GTR):单位时间内单位压力差下稳定透过单位面积薄膜材料的气体体积。O2GTR是氧气透过率,单位是mol/ (m2·s·Pa)。O2GTR通常使用的单位是:cm3 / (m2·24h)
2. Gas permeability (P): Volume of gas passing through a plastic material of unit thickness, per unit area and unit time, under unit partial-pressure difference between the two sides of the material. P is expressed in mole metres per square metre second pascal [mol·m / m2·s·Pa].
译文:气体透过系数(P):单位时间内单位压力差下稳定透过单位面积上单位厚度的试样的气体体积。P的单位为:mol·m / m2·s·Pa
1.2.3 GB/T 19789-2005
GB/T 19789-2005中,用于描述材料透气性能的参数有三个:
1. 氧气透过率(O2GTR):在试验条件下,在单位时间内透过单位面积试样的氧气数量。常使用的氧气透过率单位是cm3 / (m2·24h)
2. 氧气透过量(PO2):氧气透过率与试样两侧氧气分压之差的比值。常用的氧气透过量单位是cm3 / (m2·24h·0.1MPa)
3. 氧气透过常数(<IMG src="http://www.labthink.net/upImages/200792811372
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