摘 要:使用目前测控领域的LabVIEW软件开发平台的功能,结合低循环疲劳试验控制系统的特点,设计开发了低循环疲劳试验自动控制系统。经过试验考核证明该系统运行稳定、可靠,人机交互界面友好、设置方便快捷。
Auto-Contorl System for Low Cycle Fatigue Test Based on LabVIEW
Abstract:By using the LabVIEW software and combining with the characteristics of the low cycle fatigue test system, a auto-control system for the low cycle fatigue test is designed.The experiment results show that the design of the auto-control system is successful. The system has lots of features such as stability, reliability and easy manipulating.
Key words:LabVIEW;low cycle fatigue test;auto-control system
(中国燃气涡轮研究院,四川 江油 621703)敖永平
(成都四通工控有限责任公司,四川 成都 610032)吴沁